Thursday, January 21, 2010

to my angel on his birthday...

Happy birthday my little Ethan.
I love you son, you are so precious to me in every way and I am so very thankful for you and every moment I have shared with you. You have made me feel like the luckiest mom in the world!

Thank you for bringing so much joy and love into my life, I cannot imagine how it would be without you. Thank you for the kisses, the hugs, the "I love you's", the warm cuddles first thing in the morning -- they are all the biggest highlights of my days.

I hope that I can be the best mother to you and that I can show you as much love and patience as you deserve. I pray that I can help to give you all of your hearts desires and be there for you always.

I love you baby.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

and we're up again

It's been almost 4 months since I last posted and I was thinking about closing the blog since I seem to never get around to posting, but I have decided to start it up again, to post things so that Ethan can have it when he's older and see all the different parts of his life documented.

It's been a busy time and I haven't had a camera for the past while so I don't have tons of photos from the last 4 months, but I will put up what I have to catch up a bit. He is turning 2 on the 22nd of this month but due to different reasons, I wanted to have his party early -- so we did it yesterday.

He had so much fun and really enjoyed all the attention, gifts, snacks, ect. He got a Lightning McQueen cap from his auntie Shelly, a cool truck from his friends Eric and Amanda, some hot wheels from Justin, a cool spider man tooth brush from Auntie Elise (and thank god for it, this is the first time I have been able to brush his teeth without him screaming and hating it), and a Lightning McQueen school backpack filled with crayons, markers, drawing pads, ect, from me. He wasn't too crazy about the cake, like John, he's not into cake at all -- but the ice-cream was a definite hit.

Today I started the weening process (from the bottle) and he seems to be handling it very well -- he asked for it at first but I told him that now that he is 2 he is a big boy and doesn't need his bottles anymore, so he said ok and went down for nap without asking for it again. I'm ready for a long night though in case it doesn't go as well as it did today...we'll see. Here are photos from his party yesterday.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

photos from the past month

sorry about the lack of posts and photos, I have been having to borrow a camera whenever I want to take photos so I dont take half as much as I used to. heres some from this last month though...hes been doing lots of school lately and is starting pre-writing....I will post more photos soon. XXX

Monday, September 7, 2009

no photos yet

My camera is lost, I dont have any photos yet...I'm trying to find it, but in the mean time thats why this blog has been very slow and boring.

Ethan is doing well though, just got over a pretty bad ear ache and is still having a bit of a cold...hopefully that will be over soon.
We started weening him from his bottle, well...taking away the milk in exchange for juice that I am slowly diluting more and more till its just water, and then no more bottle. I'm just doing it very gradually because he is very very attached and it would be too hard for him to just take it away.
He is starting to talk a lot more, both in English and french, as well as showing more interest in reading by himself, counting, coloring, ect. Anyway, I will try to take some photos soon for you all. Love you lots!

Friday, August 28, 2009

sorry for the absence


its been a while and I have quite a few photos to post, but for lack of time, ill just put a few here from our recent family reunion with the Paones. Ethan got to meet a lot of his cousins for the first time and really had a good time. enjoy. XXX