Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Some Christmas photos

Heres a few of the photos of Ethan getting his presents...I can't find all of them right now, but the only toy he really actually was interested in was this little people dump truck in the photos above, We also got him a train set, and some other things, but he only wanted to play with his dump truck. I'll post more photos from C-mas as soon as I get my hands on them. XXXXXXX

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

11 months old!!!

He's soooo very handsome! Still not walking, but were working on it, he can stand by himself but does not like to walk without holding both my hands....His girlfriend (Charlie) came home the other day and he was elated...kissed her, yelled in her face (made her scared and cry) , head butted her and pulled her hair (all forms of affection in his mind). She missed him too and loves being around him except when he bullies her. He has recently started to learn the concept of sharing his toys and things, as he did not have to do this before, but she is now old enough to play and wants his toys and he gets very possessive and grabs and then hits...naughty boy, we are also working on that, he started getting the idea though and as long as he has a toy in each hand, he wont grab her toy and will offer her to trade if he wants what she has. Anyhow, heres some photos of my muffin from yesterday. XXXXX

Friday, December 19, 2008


from last week

I gave my little bug a hair cut last week. I think he looks quite handsome...heres the photos.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Heres a video someone took of Ethan with Tiffany...he absolutely LOVES her....

and some photos......

Friday, December 5, 2008

To my Mom on her birthday...

When I think about you Mom, so many things come to my mind. It would be very hard to sum you up in one word, because to me you are so many things. There is so much I admire about you, so many qualities you have that I and probably every other mom would be so lucky to have. The patience I have seen in you is incredible, I don't know how you do it. I find myself complaining and feeling sorry for myself after the bad night of sleep i sometimes have when Ethan keeps me up a lot, but when i actually think about it, I could never compare with you, who did it day after day, year after year, with not 1 or 2, but 9 of us...the sleepless nights, the gross throw-ups and pees and poops on you freshly washed sheets, the back aches from carrying us all day long, all the "kiss-it-better"s and not to mention the heart aches of dealing with a sick baby. The times when you exhausted both your brain and body to think of ways to keep us happy, busy, and out of trouble, and still to this day, the nights when you lie awake worrying and praying for each of us when we do stupid things or make dumb decisions....all these things amaze me about you. I have so much to be thankful for, god gave me the best mom in the world, you. If you were given trophies for all your mothering skills, you would have hundreds. Thank you for how much you sacrificed for me and all my sisters and brother. You are the best example of a perfect mother and if I did have to sum you up into one word, its would have to be "perfect". I love you mom, have a very very happy birthday

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ashley Sky Guild

Heres some photos of Shelly's little girl for you, mom and dad and family. Shes getting prettier and fatter by the day. XXX

Heres some photos of Shelly's little girl for you, mom and dad and family. Shes getting prettier and fatter by the day. XXX