sorry i'm not posting....I'll explain.
Ethan went in for tests (blood, stool, ect.) because there was a salmonella virus going around and so I wanted to check to see if he had it. He wasn't showing any signs of being sick or anything
(other then having diareah for about a week), he was his normal self and totally happy so I didn't think he had anything. But little did I know, his results came in and from what the doctor told us he has the very worst case of salmonella (4 different types of it), and it was so bad that it has turned into Typhoid fever. I sorta freaked out cuz he said if he doesnt show better results by sunday, he will need to be hospitilized. For the next 4 days he will take a shot per day of anti biotics and is also taking another anti biotic by bottle. He is acting totally fine, super happy, no fever, an occatioal tummy pain....but he's being sooo tough for having such a serious sickness.
Please keep him in your prayers, I deffinetly do not want him to have to be hospitilized and we are doing everything we can to make him better.
The doctor said that he looks like he will pull through it pretty fast because he doesnt even have a slight fever. Hopefully after sunday (his last shot) the virus will be completely gone and he will be better.
Love you all! I'll post updates as much as possible. XXX