Friday, September 12, 2008

Pics from our vacation in Ixtapa

We got to take off to Ixtapa for 9 days to take a little vacation with Ethan, it was quite the experience....right before we left to ixapa Ethan started sleeping in till 8 am (reaaaaally good compared to his normal 6 or 6:30 am) so I was really happy that maybe his schedule was changing so we would let us catch up on some sleep during our vacation....Little did I know he was getting in his 5th and 6th tooths that I had no idea were even starting to come in as he just cut his 2 front teeth right before vacation (I didnt find this out till the day we were driving home, yesterday, and saw that they had both cut through) So my poor little muffin had a really rough time, never slept past 5:30 am, hardly took his naps so would be really tired and grumpy and for the most part didnt like being in the water (unless he was in a really good mood, then he loved it...also the last day we were there i think was the end of his teething pain cuz he slept in and loved swimming all day and didnt want to leave the water...they must have cut through that day). It was so hard for me because I wasn't used to dealing with a EXTREMELY high maintenance baby that only wanted to be held and nursed since normally it doesn't take much to keep him happy and entertained. Well we did our best to make it a fun time for him and hopefully next vacation it will be a little more layed back and relaxing. Here are some photos, we didnt take much because he wasnt so happy for the most part...but heres the times when he was doing ok.

He always has to hold his foot while he nurses
John playing with Eric
Being foolish
Ethan sleeping by the pool
giving kisses
tried to get a family photo...Ethan wouldn't cooperate
Me and muffin
sleeping naked
On the way there
so tired
Eating pizza
John trying to get him to sit in the floaty
he liked it on the last day when he wasnt owee
My little beach boy
going to shop for beach jewlery
John looking at board shorts and stuff
I was top bargainer
Went out for diner
Eric and Ethan
attempting at water basketball...
my angel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwe looks like so much fun Mya!!!
The baby is adorable, he's grown so much!