Wednesday, March 26, 2008

His 3rd month

after his long day of colic, we both slept together.snug and warm
He loves his baths

His first laugh
Looking at a picture book
Cuddle time with mom
He loves poo bear
St. Patty's day....

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Learning every day...

My poor baby had his first day of colic yesterday and it was all my fault...He never cries from gas and normally does really well during the day, hardly ever cries, sleeps all day and all night (what an angel) and is just happy all the time, but yesterday he went through 6 1/2 hours of crying non stop because the night before I was so incredibly dumb and ate this delicious pasta that miguel made, chalk full of unions and garlic, (which I couldn't taste as I have lived in Asia most of my life and there they eat tons of garlic and unions that i cant tell now when there is a lot in the food because I am so used to it) So I quite a large portion and then went for seconds only to remember that I should ask what he put in it....all that to say, he slept through the night, I guess it hadn't gotten into his system yet, but the next morning at around 10 he started crying and crying....sniff...I felt so horrible and was crying too, as I couldn't take away the pain. the poor little man finally went to sleep at around 6 pm and woke up 15 minutes later with the biggest smile on his face, I was SO relieved that he was better and happy again. (thank god babies dont hold grudges....) Anyway, He went down for the night at 8 (his normal sleep time is like 10:30) and slept all the way till 7 this morning. I'm happy now that I had to experience that so I will never forget again even if it means eating dull yucky food. I love him! Pictures are coming.

Friday, March 21, 2008

2 months old!

My angel is going to be 2 months old tomorrow, I cant believe how big he is....he has grown 5 inches and weighs 15 lbs....He's entering the stage where he can tell whos who by their voices, smiles almost all day long, and doesn't want to be held in the traditional baby position anymore. Still eating all day long, I get sore from nursing him every half hour so now he is old enough for a diluted apple juice bottle which i give him a couple times a day to hold off the nursing a bit. John is a fantastic dad, plays with him all the time sings to him, plays guitar for him, ect. He's also finally starting to love his baths, the first few times he freaked out and hated it...don't know why...I was probably doing something wrong...I'm pretty sure once I made the water a little too warm and another time too cold....We live and learn tho. But now he's used to his baths and stays in as long as possible. Anyway, here are some photos of him....He's growing out of his cute clothes so fast that i have to take a bunch of pictures in my favorite here they are. xoxo!

Trying to be a "wigger"
My winning smile
Big boy shirt and shoes...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Precious...

My little love is almost 2 months old, I can't believe how fast hes growing up! It's a scary feeling knowing that you have a baby of your own, and his life and habits depend on you and how you raise and teach them. This age is so cute as they are still so little and helpless but are now old enough to where you can start to play with them and see their reactions. He's gown 4 inches since he was born and is so alert, he can now roll over by himself (after his 10th or more try), and holds his head up real well and sits well supported by a pillow. Anyway...heres some photos of him and Dad....
this is fun...
story time...
when he looses "chupie", Thumb is next best.
Mmmmm, this is good!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008