Wednesday, December 24, 2008

11 months old!!!

He's soooo very handsome! Still not walking, but were working on it, he can stand by himself but does not like to walk without holding both my hands....His girlfriend (Charlie) came home the other day and he was elated...kissed her, yelled in her face (made her scared and cry) , head butted her and pulled her hair (all forms of affection in his mind). She missed him too and loves being around him except when he bullies her. He has recently started to learn the concept of sharing his toys and things, as he did not have to do this before, but she is now old enough to play and wants his toys and he gets very possessive and grabs and then hits...naughty boy, we are also working on that, he started getting the idea though and as long as he has a toy in each hand, he wont grab her toy and will offer her to trade if he wants what she has. Anyhow, heres some photos of my muffin from yesterday. XXXXX

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