Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sick again

Ethan has come dome with yet another's so sad and it just seems non stop, I don't know why as I really ate healthy when I was PG and he eats very well for the most part, I guess he just has a very low resistance to sickness since I don't nurse him anymore...who knows. There has been a cough/fever/stomach bug going around for a coupple months now, and it seems like every time he gets better, he catches it again from someone now he is sick again, still with his cough from before and now this whole vomiting thing again which is really hard on him, now to mention us as well as it keeps him up a lot during the night. Please pray that it goes away soon, as I don't want John or I to get sick from being run down and lack of sleep. I hope to post some photos soon, i just haven't had a chance to take any since it's been around the clock caring for him and nursing him back to health. His birthday is coming up pretty soon so hopefully he will be all better by then and I will take lots of photos of the event. I love you all!!


Clare said...

I think some sickness is to be expected since their immune systems are so new and are building up protection against all these things. It'll happen now or later.

I do remember you saying that he was on antibiotics once, and since antibiotics kill all the bad and good bacteria in the gut, it's very important to take probiotics (good intestinal flora)after you take antibiotics. If you go to the health food store you can find some for babies, in a powder. I found this helped with my kids. Some people say to give yogurt, but the truth is that the processed yogurt we eat these days really isn't going to be enough.

Hope he feels better soon. You guys are in my thoughts.

Unknown said...

I read somewhere that babies typically get around 6 colds/sickness before their first birthday. My pediatrician just told me too that their immunities are at their lowest between 6-9 months. They start off with lots of immunities from mom, but by then they've worn off and they have to go to work building their own -- by getting sick, of course. I'll pray for him and you though. Its a pain having sick or teething babies. We have so much to look forward to. :)

Suko Luna said...

That's so sad that the little guy is sick :( We'll certainly pray (Kenji loves praying/calling on spirit helpers) he gets over this tummy bug/flu thing sooner than later. And for your strength and patience to last. LY guys!