Sunday, March 29, 2009

Water fun

Sorry I havent been posting for the longest time....and when I do its only photos....things have been pretty busy and its hard to find time to blog.

All is well, Ethan has been such a good boy and is getting so smart. He adores his school and when he sees all his flash cards and books, he comes and plops himself in my lap and points to what he wants saying please. He is not talking much yet because he is learning French (from tiffany, his godmother) and so they say it takes longer for a child to talk when hes learning more then one language. It's pretty cute though, he understands french as well as more obedient to french commands and everything, such a smartie.

He does say a coupple words like mama and dada, ball, baba (for bottle), tries to say dog every once in a while...but other then that he just makes sounds for what he wants and nods his head yes or no. His new craze is "animals at a zoo" a book I got him recently, he makes every animal sound in the book, its pretty darling.

Anyhow, heres some photos from yesterday. We filled our pool a few feet high (its normally way too cold to even have a pool so we dont fill it, but its really nice weather these days and the kids dont mind the icey water) for the kids to swim a bit....Ethan used to love water but he got scared once during his bath because he slipped. So untill yesterday, he wouldnt take baths at all and would only shower with john or I holding him the whole time.

John wanted to get him used to being in the water again, so slowely eased him closer in the pool and finally after about an hour of trying, he would walk up to the water by him self -- and a while after that he would go in up to his waist. Hopefully that helped him to not be scared of the water anymore.....I'm thinking of getting him a blow-up pool this month so I can make the water warmer. Ok, im going to stop blabbing....just updating the relatives and grandparents, since its rare I write anything at all. LOVE YOU ALL!!


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