Friday, March 21, 2008

2 months old!

My angel is going to be 2 months old tomorrow, I cant believe how big he is....he has grown 5 inches and weighs 15 lbs....He's entering the stage where he can tell whos who by their voices, smiles almost all day long, and doesn't want to be held in the traditional baby position anymore. Still eating all day long, I get sore from nursing him every half hour so now he is old enough for a diluted apple juice bottle which i give him a couple times a day to hold off the nursing a bit. John is a fantastic dad, plays with him all the time sings to him, plays guitar for him, ect. He's also finally starting to love his baths, the first few times he freaked out and hated it...don't know why...I was probably doing something wrong...I'm pretty sure once I made the water a little too warm and another time too cold....We live and learn tho. But now he's used to his baths and stays in as long as possible. Anyway, here are some photos of him....He's growing out of his cute clothes so fast that i have to take a bunch of pictures in my favorite here they are. xoxo!

Trying to be a "wigger"
My winning smile
Big boy shirt and shoes...


Amanda May said...

What a sweet little man! You guys are blessed!
Of course John is a good dad, he has always been great with kids.
So happy for the both of you!

Stephanie Paone said...

Yay! So happy to that you guys (finally) got a picture blog up and running. Ethan is so adorable. I'd say he looks more like Mya except for that smile. That's John's baby smile all the way. So cute. Can't wait to see you all.

- Stephy

Anonymous said...

I was interested to read your blog. As a parent you may be interested in being part of a university study I'm involved with. It’s about how infants and children develop. It wouldn’t take much of your time, and it’s a great way to contribute to knowledge by reporting on your own experiences. For more details go to the following address after copying it into your browser window,
Best wishes, Samantha

GeminiSide said...

This blog is so cute!
Maybe you could post that little poem thing that you wrote about motherhood on your 'about me' section on your hi5. It was really nice, I loved it!