Sorry blog readers that its been a few days since i've posted, John got home so I wanted to spend all my time with him and Ethan now that we are back together as a family. He got back from the airport after a friend picked him up, at 1 am...I tried as hard as possible to wait up for him but that didn't work out so well after having a glass of wine, i was soooo tired and fell to sleep on the couch in the middle of a movie. Anyway, John woke me up when he came in the room and I was SO happy to see him, he unpacked all his presents for me and in the midst of the noise Ethan woke up, which john was happy for as i asked him not to wake him up cuz he would be grumpy...but he woke on his own and a huge smile lit his face when he heard johns voice...then he looked around and saw him and started kicking and kicking for him to hold him...its was sooo darling!! It took Ethan 2 days to get used to john being back, he would cry non stop for his attention and then also cry if john gave me attention because he was super jealous and clingy. All is well now and he's happy again, im still trying to get him to like the walker john got him...hes just a lazy little man...but hopefully soon he'll get the hang of it.
I have lots of photos but im strapped for time so ill post more later. I love you!
(And CONGRATULATIONS JO AND EZ ON YOU LITTLE BOY!!!!!!! (check out http:\\