Monday, August 25, 2008

past few experiences...

Wow, its been a hectic last month...hence my lack of posting on this blog..sorry. John came home and things were really busy so i never had time to get online much, shortly after the business sort of died down for a day or two, our internet went out for a week so i again, had a excuse to not be able to post...THEN...Ethan got real real sick...poor baby of love! He had a fever of 103.0 degrees for 4 days along with strep throat that he probably caught from this other kids that had it here for a few days. I took him to the doctor after his fever didnt go away for 2 days and he gave me all these things for him to take...fever reducer, antibiotic for his throat and some other sort of yucky medicine....he wouldnt take any of them, I would work so hard to make it a fun "activity" to take his medicine and when he would finally take it and swallow it, withen seconds he would vomit all over me and all over was too sad as throwing up would hurt his throat and he would then cry for a long time till I could distract him from his pain. So I called my doctor again and told him that he wouldnt take his medicine at all and that I tried a few times already with each different one he had to take, and since this throat infection was very contagious and we have a newborn in the house with us and another 5 month old baby, it would be dangerous for it to spread, and this type of infection doesn't go away without taking antibiotics, we had to take him in for a shot of penicillin and then another shot the next day...all that to say it was a very traumatic experience for my poor son and me....anyway, all is well and ill post lots of photos as soon as I take them off my camera.

1 comment:

Clare said...

Strep throat can be very bad...I'm surprised he got it because it's not usually something little babies get (but it does happen). I have more luck getting my kids to take antibiotics when I ask the pharmacist to add flavor to can usually pick like a grape, strawberry or something, just to mask that awful taste. I'm sorry E was sick and glad he is better now. That really is the hardest part of motherhood.