Friday, August 22, 2008

back online!!

sorry for the lack of photos and news and love and all that...we have been off line for a week now...I have a bunch of photos but im on the way out the door to my doctors appt (pls pray for my's having some issues) with micah...thanks tiffany... :( .... anyway, when I get home I will try and get on here again.

(please pray for Ethan, he has had a pretty high fever for 2 days, and last night it went up to 103.0 degrees....please pray that its jsut a teething fever (as he is getting in 2 more teeth) and not anything worse.)


1 comment:

"The heavens declare the glory of God" said...

im new a the whole baby thing too but its very possible he was an ear infection. my son had the same this (up to 104.0) a lot of babies can get ear infections due to teething. just be on the safe side. i'll be praying for him tho