Monday, April 13, 2009

almost better!!!

Ethan is pretty much better now, he had his last shot yesterday...(totally heartbreaking)....and is on his last day of oral antibiotics and the doctor checked him yesterday and was surprised as to how well he was and how good he thats a relief! I'm so happy all the shots are over, because he LOVES going out in the car, and has never been scared of the hospital at all, cuz he normally just goes in for little check ups and a occational perscription for a cold or cough, ect. But he got smart after the 2nd shot and realised that everytime he went to the hospital (in this last week), they hurt him and so the last 2 shots, the second we drove up to the clinic, he started crying and saying no....he was so scared of getting his shots that he didnt even want to get in the car on the last day. This weekend were going to take him to a park that has fun rides and play places, so that he wont think every time he goes out he has to get an owiee. Anyway, I'm glad thats over....he just got in his 9th and 10th tooth (molars), and 2 more are looking like they will break through any day that has made him a little sad and owiee, but other then that he is doing super well and sleeping great! I love you XXX

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